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Sky Diving

The most extreme
Gap Year Programme Today!

We believe Beyond Adventure offers the most exciting, exhilarating and comprehensive Gap Year program today. After spending an average of 4 380 days (12 years) in some sort of educational institution, every young person is faced with one of the biggest questions of their life. What am I going to do now?

This is where the Gap year program comes in. According to the dictionary, a "gap year" is a prolonged period between two major life stages. We believe the Beyond Adventure concept to be unique in South Africa.

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The concept of Extreme Education was designed to provide a challenging environment for young people to discover and develop their leadership potential. Leadership deals with direction, vision, purpose and principles. The Beyond Leadership programme focuses on building the students up, making them aware of culture building, helping them with emotional bank account building and strengthening them as individuals functioning in a group context. Our program is designed to meet, challenge and grow the complete individual, body, soul and spirit, as we train tomorrow's leaders today.

About our activities

  • Bungee Jumping

    Bungee Jumping (optional extra) offers heart pounding thrills in the midst of breathtaking scenery. Let the experts guide you through a safe and unique bungee experience.

  • Kayaking

    Kayaking is fun, safe and suitable for all ages and levels of fitness.

  • Abseiling

    Abseiling is an adrenaline packed activity that really does make you feel a rush of excitement. Lowering yourself down a sheer rock face is something most people would naturally and instinctly turn away from but with our supportive and encouraging instructors, everybody goes away with a huge sense of achievement, buzzing and wanting to do it all over again!

  • Paintball

    Paintball is the ideal team building adventure activity and teaches you how to work with your team. It is fun too.

Our programmes

About our programmes

Entrepreneurship, Ready for Success - Let's talk Business, Scuba Diving, Abseiling, Sky diving, Bungee jumping, 8 certified Business modules, Survival, Basic off road driving, Paintball, Archery, Theology, Mountain Biking, Kayaking, Climbing, Boldering, Adventure Racing, Self defence, Experiential training, Leadership, Adventure and recreation qualifications (ARA).

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Leadership Programme

The main product of Beyond Adventure is a year programme for the developement of young individuals into tomorrow's leaders. We also prepare the young mind for the challenges of adult life by facilitating leadership development, spiritual growth, improvement of physical fitness and self awareness...

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School Camps and Teambuilding

Beyond Adventure presents a comprehensive teambuilding intervention designed to target the needs of your company or school. Projects require that people work together, so teamwork has become an important concept in organizations. Effective teamwork is an intermediary goal towards getting good, sustainable results...

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Experience Life
on an extreme level

Beyond Adventure is situated in Alicedale, which is surrounded by areas perfect for adventure activities. Some of our activities are presented on Mansfield Private Reserve and on the Kowie river. This allows the students to partake in extreme activities while in the presence of the local fauna and flora. Students get an ARA Level 2 qualification for these activities, enabling them to assist in facilitating adventure groups.

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The programme was launched on the first of February 2001. This is an "exhilarating year of your life" during which young people will discover and develop their leadership potential. It is the Gap Year option of the century - a programme filled with vision, purpose, adventure and challenge.
Training tomorrow's leaders today!

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